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Resolving Workplace Disputes

Discover effective strategies for resolving workplace disputes. Learn practical steps to foster harmony, address conflicts, and create a collaborative work environment.

Understanding Employment Contracts

Looking to understand employment contracts? Gain clarity on terms, rights, and responsibilities with this informative article. Essential for all employees!

Exploring Family Trusts in Wellington

Unlock the power of family trusts in Wellington! Learn how to protect your loved ones and preserve your wealth for future generations. Discover the benefits, steps to set up, and strategies for managing a family trust. Explore real-life case studies and success stories in asset protection and financial benefits.

Understanding Residential Property Law

Gain a comprehensive understanding of residential property law. Learn about ownership types, legal rights, responsibilities, zoning regulations, and resolving disputes.

The Role of a Commercial Property Lawyer

Get insights into the role of a commercial property lawyer in the real estate industry. Learn about their expertise in negotiations, due diligence, and legal compliance. Safeguard your interests with their guidance.

The Importance of Dispute Resolution in Wellington

Discover the significance of dispute resolution in Wellington, promoting peace and cooperation. Learn about the benefits, types, and the role it plays in the community and legal framework.

Understanding Wills and Estates in Wellington

Looking to understand wills and estates in Wellington? This post provides a comprehensive overview, covering everything from the importance of having a will to the probate process and estate taxes. Gain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your estate planning.

The Importance of Hiring a Trusts Attorney in Wellington

Ensure your assets are protected and distributed as you wish. Hire a trusts attorney in Wellington for expertise in creating and managing trusts, navigating complex legalities, and safeguarding your estate.

The Role of a Wellington Property Lawyer

Looking to buy or sell property in Wellington? Discover the vital role of a Wellington Property Lawyer in ensuring a smooth and successful transaction.

Finding the Right Wellington Property Lawyer

Looking to buy or sell property in Wellington? Finding the right property lawyer is essential to ensure a smooth process. Learn the factors to consider and how to research potential lawyers.

Understanding Real Estate Contracts – A NZ Guide for Buyers and Sellers

Entering the real estate market, whether as a buyer or seller, involves navigating a host of legal documents and contracts. At Hayman Lawyers, we are experts in New Zealand real estate law and are here to help you understand the...

Understanding the Importance of an Enduring Power of Attorney

Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to prepare for unforeseen circumstances. One legal tool that provides peace of mind in such situations is an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). Hayman Lawyers is here to help you understand the importance...

Optimal Timing to Engage a Lawyer in Property Transactions

Buying or selling a house is a significant transaction with potential legal complexities. Engaging a lawyer early in the process can save you headaches and ensure a smooth transition. Here at Hayman Lawyers, we believe in providing our clients with...

Why You Need a Will: Understanding the Importance of Estate Planning

Creating a will is a vital part of estate planning, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your passing. Despite its importance, many people still overlook the necessity of having a will. In this blog post, we'll...

Navigating Commercial Lease Agreements

Commercial lease agreements are an important tool for both landlords and tenants. They define the terms and conditions under which a tenant may occupy a commercial property, providing a framework for the landlord-tenant relationship. However, the legal complexities of commercial…

What To Consider When Buying A Commercial Property

You may be considering a commercial property as an investment opportunity. Whether you’re looking to make an outright purchase or opt for shares in a commercial property company, it is best to start with a strong understanding of what it…

How Does A Family Trust Work?

Setting up a family trust has long been a reliable way to help protect assets. It is so common in New Zealand that we are believed to have one of the highest numbers of trusts per capital in the world,…

Roger Hayman—Art Awards winner keen to contact his model – Friends of Pātaka

Roger Hayman with his photograph ‘Family Portrait’, which won the Friends of Pātaka Open and First Time Entry Art Awards. This amazing photograph was taken in December 2021. Update: Since winning the competition, Roger has met Rusty, the owner of…

Everything You Need To Know Before Subdividing Your Section

Many property owners and developers in New Zealand plan to subdivide sections. This helps to build two or more properties on the original section, so the owner can either live in one and rent the other, or rent out each…

Everything To Know About 90-Day Trial Periods

Everything To Know About 90-Day Trial Periods A trial period can help both employers and workers to ensure that the position and organisation are a good fit for them. Despite their benefits, there are several significant conditions and rights that…

Thinking Of Buying Property With Friends Or Family?

Buyers are discovering wiser methods to climb on the property ladder as prices continue to increase. Sharing a mortgage with friends or family is a feasible choice for many purchasers, and it's becoming more popular among first-time home buyers who...

What To Do If You’re A Victim Of Workplace Bullying?

Has the language and actions used by your co-workers or bosses affected your mental health? Do you struggle to spend time at the office because you don't feel safe there? Bullying in the workplace can leave you feeling as though...

Strategies To Consider When Buying A Home

When it comes to buying a property, it's not simply a matter of how much money you have or where you want to live. There are several things you may take to improve your long-term prognosis. Remember that in many...

What Happens When A Trustee Loses Capacity?

When a fellow trustee develops dementia and loses decision-making capacity, it is both legally and psychologically problematic. What happens, for example, if you want or need to sell the family home owned by the trust but one of the trustees...

Wills For Blended Families

When you have a blended family, your will may be more complicated. In today's world, blended families are growing increasingly prevalent. This usually signifies that one or both partners have children from a prior relationship (and the new partners may...

Do I Need A Lawyer To Sell My Business?

Selling a business involves a detailed understanding of transaction protocols, and business and local law. A qualified lawyer can assist the seller in ensuring a smooth transaction and avoiding frequent pitfalls. Preparing to Sell: The first step in selling your...

A Guide To Estate Planning And Protecting Your Assets

What is Estate Planning: Estate planning is simply the process of stating how you want your estate to be managed after you pass away or if you become incompetent and unable to manage your affairs on your own. Although estate...

Common Types of Trusts in New Zealand and their Benefits

Trusts are set up to protect your assets and provide for succession planning for future generations. They are created by a settlor, who transfers the ownership of the property or asset to the trustees, who legally hold onto it on…

Tips for First Home Buyers: Financing and Planning

Financing and Planning Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Are you wanting to buy your first home but aren’t sure where to start? When it comes to buying a home, there’s a lot to consider, but there’s no need to feel…

What does an elder law lawyer do?

Have you ever heard the term elder law and were wondering what such a lawyer does? Let Hayman Lawyers explain how an elder law lawyer can help and what they can do for you! As their name suggests, elder law…

Five things to include in your will

People make wills to put into writing how they want to distribute their assets once they are gone and to ensure that their family is provided for. Wills make the lives of family members easier and reduce the likelihood of…

Setting Up A Family Trust: What You Need To Know

A trust is a legal arrangement that protects a property and other assets while you are alive and ensures it is available for the people you want to benefit after your death. When you set one up, your assets no…

Refinancing is the new normal

Refinancing is the new normal Refinancing is a process that most homeowners in New Zealand go through. It’s when you replace your existing mortgage with a new one to take advantage of better interest rates that other lenders offer, use…

Using KiwiSaver for your first home purchase

Have you found a home where you would love to spend the rest of your life? Is this your first-ever home purchase, and you are wondering what the best way to pay for it is? You may be eligible to…

What Is A Deadline Sale?

Are you in the process of looking for a new home to purchase, and have you come across a deadline sale? You could be unfamiliar with the term and might have never heard about this way of selling before. In…

Buying a cross lease property in New Zealand: What you need to know

Have you come across a property for sale that you like but are unsure of entering the deal because it is a cross lease, and you don’t fully know what that might mean for you? Many others across the country…

What is Anti Money Laundering (AML)?

You will notice that your bank, accountant, lawyer and real estate agent all talk to you about AML these days. Changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML Act) came into force in 2018. The…

Our relationship property law does not apply to all relationships

How to split property in relationships involving three people (throuples, or polyamorous relationships) have recently been looked at by the High Court. The court found that the current law cannot help split property in these situations, but that doesn’t mean…

Chattels and Improvements

How can you tell what will be included in your purchase When purchasing property the general rule is that the ownership of chattels will not transfer with the land unless specifically noted in the agreement for sale and purchase. The…

What is Private Road?

If you get access by a private road, you and the other users will be responsible for making arrangements and meeting the costs of the road instead of the council. This includes general road maintenance and repairs, any services through…

Do you have finance sorted?

Home buyers know that getting finance (or mortgage) approval is important before looking for your dream home. But what is finance approval and can you rely on it? Lenders will look at your financial information such as what you earn…

Spouses don’t have to take what’s stated in a will

Did you know that if your partner dies, you don’t have to just take what is left to you in the will? You have a choice under property relationship law to: a) Have your relationship property split equally between you…

Reports provided by the vendor or the Real Estate Agent might not save you money.

Often a vendor, or the agent, will provide you with a report they have obtained. Usually a council Land Information Memorandum (LIM) and/or a building report. “Great” you may say, “now I don’t have to pay for my own reports.”…

What is the deposit when buying a house?

When you are looking to buy a house there are two separate “deposits” that get discussed. There is the deposit that you pay to the real estate agent (the purchase deposit) and there is the amount you need so the…

COVID-19: Wage subsidy rules

The government’s wage subsidy is easy to access, but you should ensure you are following the rules, to minimise the chance that you’ll have to repay it. We can advise on sensible and easy steps your business should take to…

COVID-19: Signing documents remotely

Lawyers are developing new ways to enable our clients to sign documents remotely in a way that we can verify it’s you, and be your remote witness. At Hayman Lawyers we can verify your identity remotely using the service Cloudcheck…

COVID-19: House sales and purchases

Technically house sales and purchases can continue because lawyers are working from home, but on a practical level, there are some real issues during lockdown. People cannot move and lawyers cannot meet our clients to witness the signing of documents….

COVID-19: Private rentals

If you are a landlord or tenant we encourage you to get in touch and see how you can help each other through the lockdown. Everyone should be aware that there are new rules in place in the lockdown such…

COVID-19: Commercial leases

Apart from supermarkets, most businesses cannot use their premises during lockdown and the ongoing rent cost is a major drain on cash when many businesses have no income. We have been checking leases for our clients to see if they…

COVID-19: Employer obligations

We have advised both employers and employees on issues such as how to make staff redundant and whether staff have to accept a reduction in pay or hours during the lockdown. Employers need to keep in mind that all their…

Tips for private sales

Not everyone goes through a real estate agent when they’re selling their property. Private sales may not be the norm, but they’re not rare either. But private sales can create long term headaches for both buyers and sellers if certain…

What to check when you’re selling your property by tender

It’s common at the moment in Wellington to sell properties by tender, and there are certainly advantages. Most obviously: Selling by tender can encourage people to offer their best price and also to limit the number of conditions they put…

Checking you’re on the same page – buying a property with someone else

If you’re buying a property with someone who isn’t your spouse or partner – for instance with a friend, a parent, a brother or sister, or another couple – we strongly recommend that you sign a property sharing agreement, however…

Buying an apartment – some things to look out for

What to look for when buying an appartment Many people love the idea of living in an apartment – it might let you walk to work, be on the spot for city activities, or avoid gardening! But there are a…

Happy birthday, Roger!

We managed to surprise Roger on Monday for his birthday – look at the Tshirts that we got made! We all wore his face all day … yep, complete with the tagline “Old lawyers never lose their appeal”. There were…

Lost in translation – differences in terminology

Many of our clients are buying properties in New Zealand for the first time. You may have seen relocation TV shows and assume that things are the same in New Zealand as in Australia, Europe or the US. But sometimes…

What is a “cross lease” title and why should you care?

To the untrained eye, a property with a cross lease title can look just like a property with a standard “fee simple” title. It’s easy to assume that you can just occupy your bit of the land and all will…

KiwiSaver for a first Kiwi home

Putting together the money for a first home can be stressful and difficult, particularly in the current housing market. Fortunately quite a few of our first time home buyers find that they can use their KiwiSaver and/or the KiwiSaver HomeStart…

New rules for overseas home buyers

New Zealand is such a fabulous place to live – and it’s not just Kiwis who think so. Every year, people from overseas look to buy homes or land here, either to live in, or for investment purposes. But recent…

Why it’s worth doing a check before buying that house

Buying a house is the biggest financial commitment that most of us will make. And we all know that things can go wrong. Leaky homes, earthquake damage – we all feel sorry for owners who find their dream home isn’t…

Asking for help if your business is in trouble

No business ever wants to end up in financial trouble or legal strife, but when things start to go pear shaped, you need a good lawyer. That’s where we can come in. It’s best to avoid trouble in the first…

Land Transfer Tax statements – what you need to know

Most of us don’t buy new homes or land very often, so our clients are still sometimes surprised that they now have to complete a Land Transfer Tax Statement – and that they have to do it before settlement. Leaving…

Insulating homes against legal trouble

Many ordinary families now own an investment property or two, but how many of them are completely familiar with their obligations as landlords? Unfortunately for them – and their tenants – the answer is not as many as you’d expect….

Removing an incapacitated trustee

It’s legally awkward as well as personally sad when your fellow trustee develops dementia and no longer has capacity to make decisions. What happens, for example, when you want or need to sell the family home which is owned by…

The expanding definition of ‘personal information’

Our privacy specialist, Katrine Evans, did a presentation last week to relaunch the Privacy Commissioner’s occasional seminar series “PrivacyLive”. The topic was what kinds of information are covered by the Privacy Act. It’s a subject that’s always had some grey…

“Testing, testing, 1…2…90” – trial periods for employees

Section 67A of the Employment Relations Act tells you how to set up a 90 day trial period in an employment contract. Simple, right? Well, yes it is simple. As long as you do it properly. But it’s funny how…

What do you mean, my ex still co-owns my house?

When a relationship breaks up, sometimes the last thing you want to think about is going to see a lawyer to sort out your property formally. But when it comes to valuable assets – particularly your house – it is…

Surrendering a lease: the need for unequivocal agreement

Suppose you sign a three year lease to rent commercial premises from a business. The business will stay on site, but you’ll share office space and some other facilities. You’re also doing some work for that business on a building…

Invest in protecting your client information

An important string to the Hayman Lawyers bow is our practical expertise in privacy law. Our senior associate, Katrine Evans, was a speaker at the Law Society’s commercial law conference earlier in the year, as the privacy specialist on a…

Enforcing confidentiality and restraint of trade clauses

Working with a competitor behind an employer’s back is never a good idea.  Taking confidential information and poaching the employer’s customers is just as bad.  And trying to cover your tracks is only going to land you in hotter water….

Enduring powers of attorney – not just for senior citizens

The Office for Senior Citizens has some great advice on why it’s important to have an enduring power of attorney (an EPA) and why you should sign it up well before you might actually need it. Check out their neat…

Calling all estate executors …

Executors often want to help out beneficiaries of estates by paying money as soon as it becomes available. But there are some fishhooks: executors can be liable to the estate’s creditors and claimants if they pay out too early. That’s…